Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Month Gone

Well, another month has gone by so I guess it is time for me to post again. The last month was nice. Summer school turned out to be a very cushy job. After students got booted for attendance reasons, we ended up with 5 sixth graders, most of whom were well behaved. I only covered about 1/4 of the curriculum, but I guess that was better than nothing as every student improved on the post-test. So I feel good about that.

I've been putting off posting about this until things got settled. It took us about a week, but we finally ended negotiations for a new house. If all goes well with inspection, appraisal, and getting the loan, we will close August 15. Which is after school starts, so we'll be starting the school year with a move again. I actually start August 4, but don't get students until the 11th. The biggest problem is that the kids will be moving school districts, and school starts in both districts before the 15th. So do we start them in the new district or the old district? I'm leaning towards the new district; I'm just afraid that we'll start them and something will go wrong with the house!

The house is a rancher with a basement and has 5 bedrooms, 3 on the main level and 2 in the basement. It has 3286 square feet! We're so excited to have so much room. I'll post pictures after it need to jinx the deal!