Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I just finished entering a bunch of grades. (I'm still behind...I only brought one stack home...but I digress). The majority, and by that I mean mathematical majority, of my students are getting Ds and Fs. And maybe that is a reflection on me as a teacher, but I really don't think so. And I'll tell you why.....I mostly give them points on their homework if they just DO IT. They don't even have to do it correctly. And they still get zero after zero after zero. They just don't care. Which is sad to me that they are in 6th grade and have completely given up on life already. And I have absolutely no idea what to do to change it. I guess I will go to sleep and plug away again tomorrow........

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 11th

On September 10th, Scott asked me, "You know what tomorrow is right?".

"September 11th?" I asked uncertainly.

"Yeah", he says.

And I said, "So?".

I was searching my brain for some reason he would be asking me about September 11th. I knew it wasn't our wedding anniversary, or when we met, or when he ask me to marry him. Maybe it was the day of our first kiss? No, that couldn't be it. When it finally dawned on me, I felt so stupid. I, who professes to be the most patriotic person I know, didn't even remember the significance of the day. How dumb do I feel?

I hope that on Patriot's Day, everyone took a moment to remember why we have a Patriot's Day...why we even have a country in the first place...why we should never forget those that have gone on before us in forming this country. A country still being formed, tried, and tested. And I hope that we can stand up to the test and continue to enjoy the freedom that our country grants us, even as we take it for granted.