Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I just finished entering a bunch of grades. (I'm still behind...I only brought one stack home...but I digress). The majority, and by that I mean mathematical majority, of my students are getting Ds and Fs. And maybe that is a reflection on me as a teacher, but I really don't think so. And I'll tell you why.....I mostly give them points on their homework if they just DO IT. They don't even have to do it correctly. And they still get zero after zero after zero. They just don't care. Which is sad to me that they are in 6th grade and have completely given up on life already. And I have absolutely no idea what to do to change it. I guess I will go to sleep and plug away again tomorrow........


Jules said...

Hang in there...I feel your pain. I tried to explain to one of my kids the other day how learning how to write was going to benefit him, and he said, "No offense, but I don't believe you." Sigh...

Jennifer said...

I had a 30 minute conversation with my most difficult class about how they would need to use math in any job they chose. Luckily I was quick enough on my feet to actually find an example of how they would have to in every job they threw out there, from janitor (need to know ratios to mix chemicals correctly) to nurse (again with the ratios, plus the metric system)to engineer (duh). They haven't gotten any better but they were listening that day. All we can hope for is that someday they look back on those conversations and say you know "Ms. rowse was right, wish I had learned more in her class". Unfortunately we will probably never know if/when they have that epiphany!

Bethany said...

Ugh, Jennifer, I can't imagine. I don't like middle schoolers anyway. Sorry! But you care, which is probably more than a lot of teachers they will have, and you don't know how much that will impact them down the road. Hang in there!