Saturday, November 29, 2008


I posted the score, but I was so disappointed that AF lost, that I never discussed the game. The highlight of the game was seeing my good friends from NE who had driven out for the game. Their son, daughter-in-law, and grandbaby live nearby so I was very glad to get to spend about 30 minutes visiting with them at the game. It certainly was the best part of the game, lol! I owe her pictures, though, and I haven't forgotten. Just haven't gotten around to it.

School is going better, especially this weekend with the Thanksgiving break. Only three weeks until Christmas break. Then we have a long haul through CSAP prep and the actual test until Spring Break. I had a rough couple of weeks and felt thoroughly depressed about my choice of vocation, but I think the rejuvenation of this weekend will help with that.

My birthday was great! I just can't believe that I am 36. I know that is not that much older than 35, but 36 rounds to forty. And I know this because I just got done with a whole unit on estimating at school. But, like I told my students, I don't mind getting older because if I didn't, I would be dead, and that I'm definitely not ready for. Thanks to the many of you who sent greetings.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I'm totally with you on the "sounding closer to 40" business. I had a hard time this year, but I really think I'm gonna make good on my not-getting-out-of-bed idea on my next birthday.

Glad the break was good for you. THREE MORE WEEKS!!!! We both can do it!!!