Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Here is Claire, our youngest niece peeking out through the swing.

Here's Jared with the purple mountain's majesty in the background.
Here's Carson....too cute for words.
Travis eating his ice cream.
Daniel..the future convict!!!

Okay, and the following text was supposed to appear BEFORE the pictures, but I can't figure out how to fix that.

I know that it has only been a few days since I posted, but Scott took some really cool pictures at the park yesterday. Kristin is noticeably absent as she went out of town with a friend's family. I will post current pictures of her later.

We spent the beginning of the afternoon at the park with my brother's family, and then went to our house to play rock band. Then we went to my parent's house for BBQ. After that we opted to skip the fireworks and just go home. I watched the Boston Pops concert/fireworks on TV. It wasn't the same, but better than nothing!

Hope you all had a Happy Fourth of July!


Ryan Koch said...

I love it. I'm so excited to see them all. Very cute. I thought Travis's popsicle was his tongue at first and got a little scared.

Bethany said...

Oh stop it. You know perfectly well those are not your sons, they are children that you borrowed and took pictures of, because your sons are still little boys playing in my front yard.
Sorry, just having a hard time with how fast my own kids are getting big. Cute boys and happy 4th!

Jennifer said...

Bethany--you crack me up. I think that it is amazing at how much they have changed since we left Nebraska. Just remember, your Abbey was a babe in arms last time I saw her, now she's a KID!!! I hate that!

Ryan--we can't wait to see you too!