Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Last Two Days...

...before I go back to work!!! It is like any other major event in my life. I count down and count down and count down and then just like that, it's over! I waited all year for summer and now it's over. Well, technically I have those last two days, but those are going to be filled with last minute preparations for school to start. That should be fun, but really I can't believe I'll be starting my second year of teaching on Monday. It'll be the truest test I believe. Last year, I had Angela, my angel, to help me along and prod me, and give me FANTASTIC ideas. This year, I'm it on the 6th grade team. AND I'm department chair. So it is do-or-die, make-or-break, (hmmmm, can't think of a third thing to make the literary device complete) time.

The good news is our state test results were printed in the newspaper last week. Our 6th graders scored 5% higher than last year's 6th graders. Wahoo! They were probably all Angela's students, but still.....!

The bad news is I found out I have to present about the PLC Conference I went to this summer. I can talk to a room full of 11 and 12 year olds, but a room full of adults? Yikes.

This weekend starts the beginning of a family reunion of sorts. By next weekend, we will have all six siblings in town, all my parent's grandchildren will be here, AND all the in-laws (spouses) will be around. It should be fun, but I'm worried about how much I'll really get to see everyone with getting ready for school and all. I guess I'll just do what I can do and worry about the rest later.


Anonymous said...

poop or get off the john?

Jennifer said...

What Ryan? What are you saying?