Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nine Days, but Who's Counting????

I am, that's who! Just nine short days until I finish my first year teaching. It has been a trying year, because of outside influences...such as a short deployment right after the school year started...but I did it and I'm stronger for it. I'm really excited for next year because well, it will be my second year of teaching, and not my first. LOL! I actually have big plans for my classroom, and my classes. The best part is that the "math block experiment" didn't work out, and so now I will be teaching in 45 minute periods instead of a daily 98 minute block. The worst part about next year? I will be going from class sizes of 20-24 to class sizes of 34-40. Yikes. Hopefully some of the sixth graders expected to come will go elsewhere. Or something.

If I were a better writer or more witty, I could come up with the top ten things I learned teaching sixth grade math, or something. But I'm not, so I won't even try!

1 comment:

Jules said...

A) YAY for having few enough days to countdown!

B) You need to give yourself some credit in the writing milieu.

C) Even with the bigger classes, the shorter time might make up for it. I'll hope for smaller classes for you though!