Sunday, March 2, 2008

Busy work

You know how as a student you always complained about getting busy work from your teachers? Believe me there is WAY more busy work as a teacher. I am up at almost midnight doing said busy work. I could have done it earlier, but I am by nature a procrastinator so I saved it for the last minute. Then I ran out of printer paper while printing my progress reports for my students. So I ran to Walmart. The only place in the world where printer paper costs $65 a ream. Or at least that's what printer paper, candy for my classroom, frozen lunches, new ink cartridges, and herpecin-L cost at my WalMart.

I will post some pictures of my beautiful children soon, especially for Bethany (see comments on my first post), but that will require me figuring out how to actually use this site, and how to put pictures in a post. Hopefully it's not difficult!!!

Well, I must be going now, so I can generate some busy work for my students tomorrow and therefore generate an exponential amount for myself. Good night all!


Jules said...

That is the double edged sword of teaching...remembering that anything I assign I will eventually have to grade. That sucks. It's the one element I'm not looking forward to doing again.

Bethany said...

Pictures are super easy. No excuses! It's not like you have 4 children and work full time! Oh wait. ;0)