Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm So Dumb Sometimes

My apologies to my brother and sister-in-law Ryan and Laura for completely and totally forgetting that I was a bridesmaid in their wedding. So Robyn's wedding thingy will be the SECOND wedding I've been in that wasn't my own. I feel like such a heel.....

In other news, I am back from Atlanta. And I even took pictures. But more on that later. I will post later about my trip and will post the pictures.


Ryan Koch said...

No worries. You don't have to feel like a heel. Well, maybe you do, because you used that phrase. I don't even know when the last time was that somebody has said that they feel like a heel to me. :)

Anonymous said...

I told you that they wouldn't be mad at you! But I feel like a heel because i forgot to ask you about your trip last night!!!