Friday, March 21, 2008


Well, it's my first Spring Break as a teacher. And let me tell you it's just as sweet as the ones I had when I was a kid. Perhaps sweeter. I'm so excited, I'm almost giddy. So so so glad to have a break. I will be a much better teacher after the break, just like I was after Christmas break. Not any form of a miracle, but it's amazing what some time off and a little rest can do for you!

In other news, I will be spending part of my Spring Break in Atlanta. That's the part that's tomorrow through Tuesday. I will be visiting my brother, Nate, and we are going to have a cultural time of it...symphony, opera, and the Atlanta aquarium. Should be a great time for all. All meaning the two of us!

The rest of spring break will be spent getting ready for my little sister's wedding thingy. I say wedding thingy because she and her wonderful husband Brian, eloped over Christmas break. No one was really that surprised. So now we are having a little ring ceremony to celebrate with friends and family. I think it will be nice, except it is outside in March, so the weather could be perfect, or could be a problem. Who knows....all I know is I'm excited for her and to be in the wedding. It is the first wedding that I'll be in that wasn't my own.

Hopefully I will take/post pictures from my spring break. I'm horrible at taking pictures though, so don't hold your breath!!!


Jules said...

I'm glad you get some quality time with your brother. That is really cool! Have fun, and enjoy the rest!

Bethany said...

Enjoy it! I wish mommies got spring break!

Jennifer said...

Julie--Thanks! I will!!

Bethany--Notice I said I was excited like when I was a kid, not when I was a sahm. Spring Break as a sahm is not nearly as just means the kids are home driving you crazy for a week. LOL. I hope that you get breaks every once in a while because no one needs them more than a sahm!